Making It Personal!
Your Health – It’s time to make it personal…
For far too long, we have relied on someone else to tell us what is wrong, why we are sick and what we should do.. But what happens when we get generic information that’s not specific to our own bodies and our own unique circumstances..?
We end up with a generic brand of health that fits some people and doesn’t fit many, many more!
Unfortunately there’s no ‘One size fits all’ for your health! So it’s time to make it personal!
Take it personally and scrutinise everything that happens with your body. The body is an amazing thing and the more you listen, the more it will teach you!
Top Tips to make it Personal
1. Pay Attention!!
Listen to what your body is telling you! If you happen to notice that after every big meal of steak you wake up the next morning feeling tired and grumpy or achey and stiff – you may find that your body is trying to tell you something!
Or if you’re craving potatoes but you’re on a ‘no carb’ diet…. Maybe no-carbs is no-great for your body?
2. Do Exercise that You enjoy!
If you really don’t like to run, but you really enjoy cycling – cycle more and run less! Not only will you enjoy what you do more, your body probably have some kind of preference to the activity
3. Stop comparing yourself to others!
No-one else has the exact same body as you so why would you even bother?
If you’re 5 foot 6 and can never get rid of those big thighs no matter what you do – well maybe you’re not meant to. Face it – you’ll never be 6 foot and stick thin. So why even make the comparison?
Find Your Body Profile, and Your Strengths and work with them!!
Make your Health Personalised. Specific to you and only you, at this very point in time and you’ll be amazed at the difference it could make!
How you ask? Isn’t that going to take years and years of study and hard work…?
Well not any more – Elite Personalised Health is offering a revolutionary integrative health program personalised specifically to the expression of your genes.
Using unique complex algorithms with a platform Personalised Health at Elite can give you recommendations for your Diet, Exercise, Brain Function, Career suitability, Treatment types, Social interaction and much, much more – personalised specifically to Your Body Profile, right now.
Why not give it a go? Click here for more details!