Quite simply it’s the future of health.
Personalised Health analyses the health tendencies you’re born with and how they have been affected by your environment, foods, activity and lifestyle to create the body and health that you have today.
There is no “One size fits all” in Health. Our current healthcare options offer solutions for some of the people, some of the time.
You deserve to know what’s right for you and the option to implement those recommendations into your life to achieve optimal health.
Utilising the science of Epigenetics along with more than 10 years of research in Anthropometry, Endocrinology, Embryology and many other traditional and modern sciences, Personalised Health is now available for you with no invasive tests, no sampling and within your own comfort zone.
Personalised Health has never before been so accessible, affordable and accurate. If you want to be on the cutting edge of health and science, and achieve your optimal health and wellness – start your Personalised Health journey today.
Because we are all unique! No matter how much we don’t want to hear it – one size does not fit all! One diet is not for everyone, one exercise does not suit each and every body, and one cure certainly does not heal all.
Our current system of generic health has been a fantastic research platform – to see how the human body reacts to stressors, drugs or treatments as a whole. But the more we understand about the human body, the more we realise that when treated for it’s own unique and specific characteristics, the results are outstanding.
But isn’t that really hard to do? Yes it has been – until now. Personalised Health is excited to offer ph360 – a user-friendly, simple and non-invasive platform to allow you to personalise all aspects of your health.
You now have the choice to master your own health – with the level of support that suits you – from DIY to Intensive.