Time To Kick Stress Goodbye!
Do you ever feel stressed?
It’s a pretty common occurrence these days – stress with home, work or just life in general! But stress can create all sorts of other problems – health risks, pain, relationship and workplace issues to name a few!
So why do we put up with it? Often it’s because we don’t know any other ways. So we’ve put together 3 quick tips to help you get rid of some of the stress in your life!
Top Tips for Kicking the Stress Habit!
1. Get organised!
- When you have a task to do, pop it in your calendar straight away!
- Give it an appropriate timeframe, i.e. if it needs to be done by Friday, put a note in to say it’s Due Friday, and a note in to say get it done on Tuesday!
- Allocate adequate time. If you give allocate yourself 2 hours to do something you know is going to take 4, you are setting yourself up for failure and stress! Be realistic and add it to the calendar realistically!
- If you suddenly remember something you have to do, add a reminder in your phone or calendar straight away! The more organised you are, the less you have to worry about the things that you keep forgetting!
2. Change things
- If there are some things that are causing you stress that can be changed, then do it!
- If you find it super stressful to drive to work in the morning with all the traffic then catch a bus! Or at least drive half way and then catch a bus!
- If you know something can be changed that you can’t control then talk to the person who can do something about it!
- If clutter in your home or your desk makes you anxious – de-clutter!
- If the ability to change your cause of stress exists, then please do so!
3. Take a step back & look at the big picture
Imagine you are an onlooker to the situation with no emotional involvement. How do things look from this different perspective? Can you see things a bit clearer or some options that you may have missed before?
Sometimes it’s a lot easier to get a handle on situations when you look from another perspective.